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By paying a deposit or any amount of money towards your hire, you are agreeing to the rental agreement. The deposit amount will be listed on the invoice. Your hire items are not considered reserved until we have received the deposit. If we have the received your deposit within 7 days, the items will become available for hire by other customers.



  1. A qualified adult (18+) must supervise the castle at all times.

  1. Children only – Castle use is recommended for children 3-12 years old. Extra care should be taken with younger children. Adults are not allowed on any of our jumping castles.

  2. Try to keep children in the same age group jumping together to avoid injury.

  3. No person over 80kg should enter the inflatables.

  4. Nobody should be on the castle while it inflates and deflates.

  5. No bouncing should take place on the front step. This is for entry and exit only.

  6. No smoking, fires, candles or BBQ’s to be used near the inflatable.

  7. Castle must be switched off during rain. If the castle is re-inflated, please ensure any wet areas are dry before entering

  8. The ride must be securely tied down. It cannot be moved after being set up by Sky High employees. With lots of use or slight winds, castle ties/weights may become loose so it is advised to monitor them throughout the hire period to ensure safety for all children.

  9. Keep children away from the blower and power cord at all times.

  10. DO NOT use, and immediately deflate the inflatable, if winds exceed 25kph and/or it rains.

  11. Persons with mental or physical impairment should not be allowed to use this ride.

  12. REMOVE shoes, eye glasses and other sharp objects (badges, earrings, belts etc)

  13. No food, drinks, chewing gum, pets, streamers or silly string. Face Paint can stain the inflatable, so please ensure it is dry before children enter the inflatable. Streamers and silly string can also stain the castle so please take care with these products. An additional $50 cleaning fee will be applied if castles are dirty upon pickup. A $75 cleaning fee will incur if sand is found in castle as sand is particularly hard to remove.

  14. Somersaults, diving, wrestling, rough play, and flips are prohibited.

  15. No jumping against the edges of the inflatable.

  16. Play away from others and away from the sides and entrance/exit

  17. Do not jump onto or off the ride

  18. Exit immediately if the ride begins to lose air.

  19. Inflatable must be adequately lit at all times



  1. Go down the slide feet first only, no more than one rider at a time.

  2. No climbing up the slide the wrong way, nor jumping onto the slide area.

  3. A towel should be used to go down the slide to avoid any burns to users.



  1. If the operator determines the weather conditions warrant closing down the castle, just stop new patrons entering and ask those already in the castle to leave in an orderly fashion. There should be plenty of time for this and no special procedures are necessary, however in the event of power failure, the following procedure should be followed:

  2. Stop patrons from entering the inflatable (including parents)

  3. Children in the inflatable shall be told to leave through the entrance in an orderly manner. There is no need to rush, there is plenty of time and rushing may intimidate the smaller more timid children.

  4. It will take a 1-2 minutes before the castle starts to sag noticeably and even then, it is still safe for children to exit the castle.

  5. Do not allow anybody to enter the device until it is properly re-inflated and the power supply is stabilised.


EQUIPMENT, RENT & TERMS OF HIRE AGREEMENT - The undersigned, as Lessee (customer), hire from Valley Event Hire the unit listed over the page.

DELIVERY - Equipment will be delivered to the agreed street address nominated by the customer. The lessee (customer) grants Valley Event Hire staff permission to enter the property to set up and pack up equipment.

PAYMENT - Payment is due at the completion of castle set up. We only accept cash payments. Payments upon pick up will not be accepted.

TRANSPORTATION AND DELIVERY - Delivery charges are applicable as quoted. Shall any changes occur, additional transportation charges will be imposed.

CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOL OR DRUGS - Liability does not apply for any claims arising directly or indirectly out of personally injury or property damage caused by or as a result of the consumption of alcohol or drugs. Person’s effected by the use of drugs and alcohol are not allowed to use the hire equipment.

SAFE OPERATION - The lessee acknowledges that he/she has been instructed about and fully understands the safe operation of the unit that is the subject of this rental agreement. Hirer agrees to observe all safety precautions and rules. Hirer also agrees to pay the full price on the hired items, if it is not returned.

MARKETING - We reserve the right to use photos of the equipment within the lessee’s property for marketing purposes on our website and through social media. We will not post any pictures of children without the guardian’s permission.

PREPARATION OF SPACE - Lessee agrees to provide a clean space (free of pet droppings, rocks, sticks and rubbish) for the castle that is at least 1 metre wider than castle dimensions. Lessee is responsible for ensuring castle space is clear of overhanging branches, clothes lines, pergolas and electrical lines. Event site access must have at least a 1.5metre wide gap to allow for staff to get the castle through. A small amount of stairs is ok, but must be advised beforehand. Lessee should ensure that they advise Valley Event Hire if any of this is going to be an issue.

SET UP SPACE - Area must be flat. Castles cannot be set up on slopes. Castles can be set up on grass and concrete but NOT on gravel (Boxing ring can only be set up on grass). Please advise us if the castle is not going to be set up on grass so we can bring the appropriate supplies. Castles are unable to be set up in front yards that run close to the road. A reasonable amount of space if required for safety reasons. Once the inflatable is set up by Sky High Jumping Castle employees, it cannot be moved.

GROUND STAKES - We use ground stakes to secure castles on grass setups. Please ensure to advise the delivery team if there is any water pipes, cables etc that may be damaged. If you do not advise us, we cannot be held liable for damages.

MAINTENANCE - The lessee agrees to keep the unit in the same condition that it was received. The lessor will take into consideration normal wear and tear. Costs from any damages that are considered beyond normal wear and tear, including holes in castles, will be billed to the lessee and shall be payable within 14 days of invoice date. Legal action may apply.

POSESSION OF EQUIPMENT - Equipment security remains the responsibility of the lessee. This includes ensuring the equipment is kept in a safe place during hires. Lessee remains responsible for any theft or damage to equipment.

CLEANLINESS OF INFLATABLE – Lessee agrees to maintain the cleanliness of the inflatable. Castles, which require extra cleaning on pickup, will incur a $50 cleaning fee – payable by the lessee.  Sand in castles will incur a $75 cleaning fee as sand is particularly hard to remove.

ALTERATIONS OR ATTACHEMENTS TO HIRE EQUIPMENT - Are not allowed without prior written permission.

TITLE TO - Lessee agrees to keep the Valley Event Hire Castle in his/her custody. The lessee agrees to not sublease, rent, sell or remove the item from the delivery address. The unit remains the property of the Lessor.

ENTIRE AGREEMENT -The rental agreement constitutes the full agreement between Lessor and Lessee. Time is of the essence in this rental agreement. The inflatable is in good working order and this is acknowledged by the Lessee

CASTLE RAIN POLICY - During periods of forecast severe weather (rain, high winds), we reserve the right to cancel your reservation. If forecast conditions are not too severe, we will give you the option of keeping the castle or cancelling. If you decide to keep the equipment for the term of the rental agreement, there will be no refunds.

INFLATABLES RIDES WITH SLIDES - Slide must be used with a towel to avoid any skins burns associated with the use of the slide. Lessee to provide towel.

RIDE SET UP IN PUBLIC AREAS - It is the lessee’s responsibility to hold all permits to set up in public area. Valley Event Hire takes no responsibility for this and assumes the lessee has the appropriate authority to set up in a public area.


RELEASE OF LIABILITY (must be to a person 18+ years) - The lessee shall be responsible for the safe use of the hire equipment. They remain fully responsible for its operation as well as the return of the equipment in good working order to Valley Event Hire. Valley Event Hire – The Lessor, as well as its officers, employees and agents is/are not responsible for any injury occurring to the Lessee or any other persons using the equipment, and the Lessee further agrees to hold the Lessor and it’s officers, employees and agents free and harmless against any injury or claims. The Lessee shall indemnify the Lessor and its officers, employees and agents from/against any costs incurred due to claims from anyone and for attorney’s fees and related costs involving the use and return of the equipment, should legal action become necessary. By signing this contract, the lessee agrees to the release of liability and to abide by all safety rules associated with the equipment use.

Yarra Valley Wedding
& Party Hire

Located in Lilydale, Victoria

If you are enquiring about an event, please don't use the email above. Please use our quote request form so we can collect all the information needed to provide accurate pricing. Thank you.

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